Thursday, July 7, 2011

That's How You Know That He Loves You

This just came to me so I had to write it immediately.

So often I feel like we are asking God, "How do I know He loves me?" like the song That's How You Know from the movie Enchanted. We get so caught up in our 'needs' and desires that we do not notice his answer. As I was listening to this song moments ago, I loved hearing His answer that He has been telling me in different ways these past few months.

The song goes on to say,
He'll find His own way to tell you with the little things He'll do. That's how you know, He's your love. 
Through these lyrics I remember that God promises to show His love, but better yet He chooses ways to show it specific to us.  He speaks love over each of us differently. 

I am so thankful for His faithfulness because when my desires for my future begin to overtake my focus He is there giving me the love I so deeply long for.  Wow.  This is still processing in my mind.  I can't seem to get a grip on it its so great. 

Oh how Abba Father loves His children. 
-Listen for His Words of comfort. 
-Be looking for subtle messages throughout the day. 
-Enjoy that simple bright spot in the midst of a dreary day. 
-Dance with Him as He leads you through the steps. 
-Read the notes He gives to you in His Word.
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday. That's how you know that He's your love.
He is constantly reminding you of just how deep His love is for you.  Don't lose sight of the promises He gives to you.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.     ~James 4:8

More will come soon to catch up and share about Sky!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Helpless...or so we think

Well its that time of the semester.  You know what I mean.  Its April.  The semester is coming to a close...and all those papers you have been putting off are finally due.  If I have calculated correctly, (which is not very promising at this point) I have written 8,000 words (equaling 28 pages total) this week for my classes and there is still more to come.  So here's to consecutive nights of 3 hours of sleep, coffee, dr pepper, and friends that keep you laughing. 

Now it is time for writing that I really enjoy.  I am finding that journaling and blogging is theraputic and brings joy to my soul.  It helps to sort through the constant flow of thoughts and put some direction to them.

I am blessed to be attending a church where the Word is brought each week.  Like many college students, I stayed up late on Saturday night.  Sunday morning came early, but I awoke ready to share in worship and fellowship with God and His body.

For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.      ~Rom. 8:5
My pastor preached over Romans 7:14-8:11.  Paul writes how as Christians, we have a strong inner struggle of the desires of the flesh and the desires of God.  Verse 5 shows that we have a choice of what we set our minds on.  In my mind "choice" seems like a cut and dry action, not too difficult to accomplish.  Right?  This is not the case at all when I think back to the countless times, especially recently, that I have been struggling with where my mind is focused. 

Thoughts are probably the my most difficult thing to control.  God is so good though because when I start to get frustrated or sad that my plan is not coming along as I would like, he brings songs to my mind and I begin singing them even before I realize what is happening.  He will change your thoughts and set your mind on him when you ask.  He will become your desire.

Here are the three points from the sermon:
  • We must realize we have a problem. (admit it)
  • We cannot fix it by our own doing.
  • God is ready and willing to help.
These are so simple and sound like Bible 101 but how often do we forget there truth?  We take the problem upon ourselves to fix.  God has provided his Word and the fellowship of other Christians to keep us accountable.  We cannot depend upon our own strength.

When you are losing this battle, even in the slightest way, seek God and his power to defeat what only he can.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

And so it begins...

Yes, I am committing to blogging.  I have tried once before and failed miserably at keeping up with it.  Since then I have become more dedicated in journaling and would like to share with you some precious lessons God is teaching me. 

I don't have a husband or children with funny stories that I can relate back to the Bible like so many of the blogs I enjoy reading.  I am simply a college student living on a college campus and so I will glean from the experiences I share with so many others here.

I am not a great writer or thinker and don't even know if anyone will care to read this, but God uses all things to bring glory to Him.  I hope that you take encouragement and are challenged by the words that are written here in the future. 

God has been showing me just how beautiful this precious meantime on earth is.  Yes, there are times of struggle (that seem to outweigh the good while in them), but thankfully there are times of great joy and hope that seem to come out of the deepest struggles.  Our Savior has a magnificent love for us that goes beyond anything on this earth.

Recently I have been struggling with being utterly and completely satisfied with God in all areas of my life.  So often I ignore God, pushing him aside to follow the desires of my own heart, leading to pain that I alone brought on myself.  I end up wasting time just trying to get over that pain when I could be reaching out to others bringing glory to God.  Music deeply affects me and so God often speaks to me through it.  I would like to share a song that has been my plea as of late.  Its written by the band Barlowgirl:

My God's Enough
I've had enough of living life for only me
And reaching just for the things that keep destroying me
So sick of envying the lives of so many I see
Somehow believeing that they have what I need

My God's enough for me
This world has nothing I need
In this whole life I've seen
My God's enough for me

I can't explain why I suffer though I live for you
Those who deny you they have it better than I do
Cover my eyes now so that my heart can finally see
That in the end only you mean anything

My God's enough for me
This world has nothing I need
In this whole life I've seen
My God's enough for me

Who have I in heaven but you?
Nothing I desire but you
My heart may fail but not you
You are mine forever

This song is taken from Psalm 73.  It speaks so much to what I am struggling with because I see so many with the very things I want.  Want...That is where the problem lies.  It is so easy to be concerned about my own wants, so much so that I utterly forget God's plan for my life.  I would encourage you to go read Psalm 73.  In the beginning it seems like the people you envy have it made.  As you keep reading though, you find that they come to a disastrous end.  The life you envied was not even enjoyable to them, but filled with insecurity. 

I will end (this rather long blog, sorry) with this.  Although life can seem so difficult and it seems that you are missing out on opportunties that you want, God is not only protecting you from the (selfish) desires of your heart, but also pulling you closer to him.  1 Corinthians 10:13 says:

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it."

If God will never allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle and you are still falling into temptation, then you are probably not staying near to God.  When you ask in His name, He will provide peace and hope and a desire to follow His will.  Stay close to Him and your desires will become His.  Find ultimate satisfaction in the love that He is so willing to give.  He can fill every need you have if you are willing to let Him.